Monday, September 22, 2008

Update from our mom.......

Dr. Burns, the oncologist talked to Doug and I this morning. He asked Doug what symptoms he had had that lead to the discovery that he had pancreatic cancer. The pathologist's report showed that the tumor had "eyelet" cells (spelling?????)which produce too much insulin. All of the tumor was removed. The margin around the tumor was good (meaning not diseased). Some of these cells were found in some lymph nodes that were removed. Before leaving J.H.U. Hospital, Doug must have a scan to determine if there are any "blood markers" present. In 3-4 weeks he will need to have another scan to compare the amount of "blood markers". We were told that Doug would be watched closely every 3 to 6 months for five years. If there is any evidence that there is a return of the cancer, it most likely be in the liver.

Doug's cancer is rare. Dr. Burns said that he must find a good oncologist in NY to follow the scans. If the cancer returns, he recommends that Doug come back to J.H.U.Hospital.

Dr. Burns strongly recommends that Doug go to a genetic counselor for testing. There are syndroms that involve the thyroid and pancreas (which Doug has had cancer in both organs). He said it could have implications on the children. Today blood will be drawn for this testing (to see if there are any "blood markers" present). This test will be used for a BASELINE for later comparison.

Dr. Burns will see us again tomorrow.

Doug is looking and feeling much better. He was able to shower for the first time in a week and shampoo his hair! He has been able to sit in the family room for almost an hour and chat with other people who are waiting for a father to have the whipple proceedure. We are very thankful that Doug is on this side of the operation and recovery process!

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for Doug, the girls and I. All of the love and care has been so uplifting. We are thankful for the family of God! Each one of us are growing in patience, faith and hope. God bless all of you above all that you can ask or think.



Dorcas said...

We hope & pray you'll be able to find a qualified doctor near your home!! It sounds like Doug's strength is increasing every day! Thank the Lord for His goodness.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are going well in the recovery process..we have been there and are continuing to keep you all in prayer. John & Barbara Love

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the good news about Doug. Looking forward to your return and continued good recovery.