Saturday, February 02, 2008

Fulton's Chief of Police to retire....

We interrupt the posts from our Florida trip to update you on what has been going on since we got home. Just a few days after we got back we recieved the news that our friend, Chief Mark Spawn, would be retiring from Fulton police force. When he came over Thursday evening for a meal, gave him his retirment gift. (A police scrapbook that we did filled with memories of our times together.) We had a very enjoyable time, but will miss him a great deal! (He will be going to Albany, NY to start a job with the New York State Ass. of Chiefs of Police.)
L -R: Evangeline, Emily, Chief Spawn and Elizabeth.

Chief looking at the book we gave him.


Dorcas said...

This is so neat that you all had him come to your house for dinner!! What an honor for you!!