Sat. morning the boys went clay pigeon shooting. Us girls decided to go along. We thought that they would just shoot a few clay pigeons, right? WRONG!!!!!!! There was fifty rounds for everyone and their was about 8 people shooting! It was really cold out so Uncle Jonathan brought down the van so us girls could sit in it and watch.
Waiting at Aunt Glenna's house.
At the target place, Glen and Jonathan H. sitting together.
The first shooting stand.
The guy who would throw the clay pigeon.
Uncle Galen ended up hitting the most clay pigeons.
Hi Emily!!!
The pictures are GREAT!!!!!!
I had a BLLAAASSSST with you all!!!!! We'll know next time to find out how many the guys are going to shoot so we can decide if we wan't to go!!:)
Your Twin Cousin.
I had lots of fun with you!! I agree with you! We should check how many people are going!! Next time we might not be able to leave!!!! I love you SOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love your twin cousin,
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!
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