Saturday, April 28, 2007

From the Studio of Elizabeth and Evangeline Canfield: Student Recital

Last evening Evangeline and I had 7 of our students give a recital as part of a homeschool program. We didn't get a group photo this year, but I think you'll enjoy seeing the photos we did get. They did a great job, and made me very proud of them!

Father daughter duo - Sarah and Uncle John

Elizabeth and her student Alexis.

Teacher/student duo - Adam Hunphry and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth, Adam and his little sister.

Elizabeth and Mr. Reece performed one of his compositions for oboe and piano.

Aaron Reece and Elizabeth received a standing ovation.

Evangeline played Majesty, and also got a standing ovation.

Emily playing the violin with Evangeline

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Weekend Performance at the Eastman School of Music

This weekend Evangeline and I accompanied oboist Aaron Reece at the Eastman School of Music. It went wonderful, and we had a great time!

Elizabeth with Alexis Reece: friend, daughter of the oboist, and piano student.

Hangin' out before the concert.

The lock on the bathroom door was broken, so Alexis offered to stand on guard.

Last minute check in the bathroom.

Alexis, Evangeline and Mrs. Reece outside the Eastman building.

Alexis and the twins in downtown Rochester.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Handsome Little Prince

My sleeping Prince Charming (cousin Silas) who fell asleep on a church bench during Emily's recital. (By the way, I did steal a kiss!)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Fulton Art Show - Photography Division, 1st Place...

Congratulations Elizabeth!

Eastman School of Music - Oboe Rehersal

Evangeline and I will be accompanying a SUNY professor for his doctorate recital at the Eastman School of Music. Aaron Reece is the first oboist in the history of the school to play all his own compositions for his doctorate recital. We will be playing an oboe sonata with him this weekend in Rochester.

Easter Weather in Upstate New York

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Intruder #4

This morning when I went to check the trap, it was empty!! The brilliant little mouse got the cracker and got out!! I think that when mommy put the trap down, the cracker slid forward, so when it opened the trap door, it didn't have to go all the way in. All that was left was peanut butter on the trap door and droppings on the kitchen sink. Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, we didn't get a picture of that one.


Intruder #3

Wed. morning I checked the trap and found another mouse. We had a bright idea! The people we do biology with have a pet python anaconda. We could give it to them! After class we took it outside. I stood on the bench ( for safety sake) to get some pictures. We were going to transfer the mouse into a container. Well, when they pulled the trap out, the mouse popped out too!! Of course, it set us girls screaming! They tried to catch it, but it was too fast. Probably the mouse will come right back into the basment and we'll have to catch it all over again!!!! We never did get a picture of the mouse.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Intruder #2

Saturday we got a new type of mouse trap. It's a cube type box where it goes in but doesn't come out. Monday morning I checked in the trap and found an extremely cute mouse!! We didn't want to let it go in our yard because it would come right back in, so we took it to a store parking lot to let it go - nothing like transferring your problem to someone else:)))!! Evangeline and I let it go. I had to get the picture and let it out because she was too scared. I snapped the last picture too soon, but oh, well.