Saturday, November 26, 2005

Mom's Recovery - Laughter is Good Medicine

Our mom has been recovering from a surgery she had about a week ago. ( The doctors removed a tumor the size of a cantaloupe. ) We really appreciate all the cards and meals everyone has brought in! We got a surprise visit from the Wilson Family the day we brought Mom home from the hospital...... Mrs. Wilson took a shift catering to Mommy and gave us nurses a little break while Mr. Wilson and Daddy chatted on intellectual matters.....

While the parents where fellowshipping with one another, we kids were downstairs having a blast!
If we weren't chomping on popcorn or cookies, we were laughing....... Just look at the photo of Lucas and Josh and you'll see what I mean!

The City Mouse visits the Country Mouse.....

We got to enjoy an afternoon playing on a farm with Sarah Fuller and her sister Rachel, (holding the kitten) Shonnah Kastler, and Lucas and Joshua Wilson. We spent some time crawling around in the hayloft, then went down to see the chickens in the lower barn.

See Lucas holding the chicken?? Doesn't he look so innocent and sweet?? You would never guess that he was about to throw that dumb chicken in my face. If this blog had sound, you'd be deaf from my scream!!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Photography Effect

You'll never believe what I did to get the misty effect when I took this
picture of our baby grand. If you want to know, e-mail me and I'll
tell you -Elizabeth

Friday, November 11, 2005

Elizabeth's gear for onion chopping.......

Our Dad's 39th Birthday (Again!)

Photos taken at a friends house:
1. Evangeline with Daddy
2. Elizabeth with Daddy
3. Emily with Daddy

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Election Time.........

It's that time of year again! Election time has always been exciting for us......... Ever since I can remember our parents would take us along with them to the polls - they would let us go in with them, then tell us which levers to pull. (Elizabeth "voting" in place of / with our mom in the local elections.)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sunday Sunset

I am always awed at the beautiful "paintings" God has made for us to enjoy!
Since we don't usually have such goreous sunsets in the city, I had to go outside and get some snapshots.