Friday, October 28, 2005

Our Little Indian

Happy 12th Birthday Emily!

Monday, October 24, 2005

1st Time Teachers....

I've always wanted to teach piano, and now
I've gotten my wish! Evangeline and I both
started teaching last week........ What a fun
job! It's great getting to see things from a
teachers point of view! Below: Evangleine
with Destiny Fitzsimmons, and me (Elizabeth)
with her older sister Elise.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

2005 Faith and Freedom Tour

Much needed rest........

Elizabeth and Evangeline rest with Joanna Erber from
all the walking they did in Philadelphia.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Emily Canfield with Sarah Stinnett

General Phillips and Commander Stinnett

The City Tavern

We all had a very enjoyable time eating at City Tavern. It
was like stepping back in time 230 years ago.

The Liberty Bell

"I don't want my picture taken!"

"I don't want my picture taken!"

( Just for the records, Little Miss Faith Phillips
is usually a very happy, smiling 4 yr. old........
This was such a rare shot that I had to share it!)

Washington's Crossing

I took this picture of the Deleware River, at the place where
Washington crossed more than 200 yrs. ago. It took 9 hrs.
to transport thousands of soldiers across this river because of
the ice and heavy blizzard conditions.

The Erber Family

The Erber family got up very early every morning to make
lunches for 150 people. Believe me, I don't envy their job!
Thanks Erbers!

Faith and Freedom Tour group...

Faith and Freedom Tour group (approx. 150 people) at
Penn's land, listening to a lecture given by Doug Phillips Esq.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Doug Phillips at Penn's Landing...

Lunch with the Stinnett girls....